My name is Samuel, known on internet as Thanatermesis. I was born in 1980 in Belgium and grew up in Barcelona. At 24 years old, I started developing Elive and learned everything by myself, developing my skills. Since then, I have lived in different places around the wOrld.
Spanish: Native
French: Native
English: Advanced and fluid
Catalan: Perfect understanding, medium speaking
Italian: Basic
From a work point of view, I am interested in computers, human-computer interfaces, visual representation of information, design, and creativity. I believe that we can absorb much more information in a much faster way if we are able to represent it in a visually optimized manner.
I have a general interest in psychology and sociology, and I'm a strong believer in a higher level of society improving human knowledge.
And finally, for leisure, I love traveling and discovering new things, listening to music, and I enjoy solitude and peaceful moments.
How I amWow I am
I’m intuitive and logical at the same time, I always try to find optimal or different ways of solving problems, I think that I’m resourceful in this aspect.
I'm also:
- Perfectionist, meticulous
- Independent, self-sufficient
- Multidisciplinary
- Observant
DETAILSMore about my Personality
This is a list of personality traits that I think that could define myself pretty well:
Innate Skills
[x] Accept criticism | [x] Adaptable | [ ] Ambitious |
[ ] Assertive | [x] Competent | [x] Confident |
[x] Conscientious | [x] Creative | [ ] Dependable |
[ ] Diplomatic | [x] Easy-going | [x] Efficient |
[x] Energetic | [ ] Enthusiastic | [ ] Flexible |
[x] Friendly | [x] Helpful | [x] Honest |
[x] Intelligent | [ ] Loyal | [ ] Motivated |
[x] Open-minded | [x] Organized | [ ] Patient |
[x] Persistent | [x] Problem-solver | [x] Productive |
[ ] Punctual | [x] Quick learner | [ ] Rarely absent |
[x] Reliable | [x] Resourceful | [ ] Responsible |
[ ] Take direction | [x] Tenacious | [x] Trustworthy |
[x] Understanding | [x] Versatile | [x] Intuitive |
Transferable Skills
[ ] Accept responsibility | [x] Analyze data | [ ] Articulate speaker |
[x] Assessing others | [x] Compile information | [x] Counseling others |
[x] Creative | [ ] Customer/client service | [x] Delegate duties |
[x] Develop goals | [ ] Develop relationships | [ ] Edit materials |
[x] Evaluate ideas | [x] Friendly | [x] Get results |
[ ] Good listener | [x] Instruct others | [ ] Interview/hire people |
[x] Logical thinker | [ ] Manage a budget | [x] Manage projects |
[ ] Mediate | [ ] Meet deadlines | [ ] Mentor others |
[ ] Motivate others | [ ] Negotiate agreements | [x] Organizing data |
[ ] Plan events | [ ] Public speaking | [x] Research information |
[ ] Run meetings | [ ] Sell ideas/products | [x] Strong, clear writer |
How I thinkHow I think
Even though I’m very realistic regarding the real world, I have a dreamy imagination so I’m always trying to extend my possibilities to new horizons.
- Philosophical
- Futuristic / Visionary
- Searching relations between nature/universe and computers, which sometimes helps me to find the optimal answer
- I dream about a future where things are shared in real time, economically distributed and decentralised, which is why I'm so interested in Open Source and the venus project.
- Realistic and coherent, which helps me to make tangible decisions regarding any particular concept.
- Spiritual
My main and most important skillset obtained over the years is is related to the linux operating system and specially debian-based system. For a better overview of the things that I can accomplish is better to see the WORKS section.
All my learning was obtained when I started making the GNU/Linux operating system “Elive”, which started around the year 2003 under a different name. It was my learning platform and also my best historically proof CV. I learned and enjoyed improving the system on every side and implemented own ideas on it, creating different concepts for a better usability keeping it user-friendly for any kind of user. The need to adapt every different part of the system to the wanted needs pushed me to learn new things every day. I enjoyed designing new concepts and sharing these results with the world.
I'm more in the sense of a multi-disciplinary person, because I have not focused all the learning curve to a unique topic, instead, I needed to deal with lots of different situations and elements of the operating system in every sense that appeared. This made me a Linux expert, with strong knowledge in administration, designing the system, dealing and predicting bugs, user-experience and ease-to-use, and packaging elements of the system
Because of the need to manage lots of different things I never specialised in any specific programming language, except for my most used ones.
I use Bash more than C as I find it faster to obtain the same solutions, considering options like: speed of development, required interface, complexity, and my familiarity with the language
- Bash: In combination with any other commandline tool it gives me the possibility to develop any application or need required. It helped me to develop simple frontends, automated tasks such as detections and configurations, and surprisingly, almost everything that I have needed. It is not only one of the most widely-used languages in a UNIX-like operating system but also one of the most open, well-known, and easy to modify, making it easier for users to improve or modify them in any way. A list of some applications that I have made for Elive can be found in the "Miscellaneous" section. It is my everyday language for daily tasks, giving me a big familiarity with it.
- C: Particularly in combination with the EFLs (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries API) and thanks to my relationship with Enlightenment it gave me a powerful framework with tons of possibilities. Long familiarity with the API, its improvements during the history, and also with the Enlightenment API itself.
- Edje: Edje is a type of programming language, part of the EFL libraries, in short its a language used to develop powerful interfaces. Personally it is the most enjoyable of the languages, which brings me the possibility to unleash my creative skills.
The adventure of making Elive pushed me to acquire miscellaneous general experience of every different topic, the most notable ones:
- System Administration
- Task Automation
- Development of small tools to resolve a problem or improve a situation
- Packaging expertise (Debian)
- Solving problems and finding solutions
- Finding the weakest points in applications, predict bugs
- Quality of code
- Behaviour prediction or future needs
- Making interfaces more user-friendly
- Finding bottlenecks on the efficiency side
- Trying new or different concepts and ways of doing things
- Smart actions for, determine, find answers, or automatic configuration: It’s not possible to have artificial intelligence making decisions for us, but we can have smart interfaces that know things about us and predict our actions, saving us time and effort
- Finding ways of improving efficiency and making procedures / tasks / interfaces effortless.
- Automating / optimising tasks
- Human-computer interaction
- System Administration
- Selecting good default settings for applications
- Thinking about concepts, user interfaces, and usability
- A good design
- Intuitiveness
- Efficiency and effortlessness
- Optimisation and Speed
- Automation and prediction
- Visual representation of information
- Making different / new concepts when necessary
- Understanding how situations are affected by feelings, the subconscious and emotions (psychology)
All my knowledge has been learned self-taught, but let's focus about the process which made me learn about computers:
My first computer was at the age of 12, and the first contact with the open source world with 18. Without internet connection surprisingly it was when I learned the most about it. One day, a system called Knoppix appeared which I really liked; a completely different concept, but I was not happy with the common environment and its usability was not enough for me, this is when I decided to modify it to my own vision. I was very happy with the result and wanted to make a similar version to share with the world.
I was living on Belgium at that time with enough free time available, out of internet and without stress my working environment was purely the terminal without graphical interface, on a 300 Mhz / 200 Mb RAM computer. Surprisingly, this is computer is the one where I made the first versions of Elive. The reason why I worked on Console was just because I was never satisfied by the graphic system and I was happier with it, being able to do many different kinds of things (even watching videos, browsing the net, viewing images, etc.)
For the next years and with connection to internet my full time work was with Elive, on which I needed to deal with all the existing tasks, assisting the users with their problems or questions, and developing new implementations into the system. This has remained like this up to these days.
Invited to multiple Open-Source events, like the LinuxConf in Barcelona or the Debconf of 2009
Founder and developer of Elive for more than 15 years, a well-known linux distribution used by thousands of people around the world. Managing the entire project and its development on my own.
I have been an official Enlightenment collaborator for many years, specially for small improvements and fixes, reporting bugs, beta-testing, and a couple of redesigns and new features.
As I use Debian as the base for Elive, I have a thorough understanding of it. Although this relationship is unofficial, I try to participate when needed in different projects, in particular Debian Live.
2019Freelance Works
Some freelance works that I have made for other enterprises:
A small tool to view in realtime statistics of the queue of the email server from different servers, with a small notification and highlighting color in case the values are exceeded - Project for a Canada enterprise (L***.com)
A tool to scan the undelivered emails from a unix directory on a big email server and sending them back to the owner if enough time passed, removing them later from the server. The tool was made in bash and was independent to the email service. - Project for a Canada enterprise (D***.com)